Motorcyclists for Jesus is a non - profit, democratic, member driven group of Christian motorcyclists. The organization's main purpose is to lead and guide motorcyclists in the personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We endeavored to give positive direction and counsel on living under the authority of power of God in Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit. Our members are encouraged to join and participate in their local churches and become missionaries through this motorcycle ministry.
M.J.M.'s primary mission is to organize witnessing T.E.A.M.s [Telling Everyone About the Messiah] of two or more members, who will attend motorcycle rallies and events. These T.E.A.M.s will witness to individual motorcyclists they meet along the way. M.J.M. will share the Gospel of Christ at secular and Christian motorcycle events by leading worship services to participating in helping- hands activities.
M.J.M. is a relatively new organization that is now ministering in several states. We believe that each member is a messenger of our Lord, Jesus Christ. A member can work alone or be a part of local T.E.A.M. Two or more M.J. M. members may apply for a charter to become a local T.E.A.M. Becoming a T.E.A.M. enables them to witness to motorcyclists in their own vicinity and participate in Christian community service.
M.J.M. believes that local T.E.A.M. is the backbone of this organization. It will support the T.E.A.M.s efforts by supplying them with literature to be used at campouts and rallies.
M.J.M. differs
from other organizations in that:
1. We are a democratic organization. The members elect a Board of
Directors who in turn elect a chairman each year. The chairman presides
over the board meetings and carries out its directives. The Board of
Directors will establish governing policies of M.J.M.. The members play
an active role in decision-making.
2. The only head of M.J.M. is our Lord, Jesus Christ.
3. There are no paid officers. Each person in the organization donates his
or her time and talents in fulfilling the duties of the position he or she
holds. All monies received as dues are used for the publication and
mailing of the national newsletters and for incidentals. All donations from
any source are used in assisting our members and T.E.A.M.s in their Christian
outreach and endeavors.
4. M. J. M. owns is no property.
5. Members are urged to join any motorcycle group that they desire and let their Christian light shine.
Welcome to
Motorcyclists for Jesus Ministries
Motorcyclists for Jesus Ministries [M.J.M.] is an organization for Motorcyclist that begins where others leave off. It is structured to allow the members to elect the leadership which establishes the governing policies.
We declare Jesus Christ as the Head , the Holy Spirit as our power, and the Word of God as our guide. M.J.M. is open to all Christians regardless of race, color, or denominational affiliation, provided they believe:
In the virgin birth of Jesus Christ. [Matthew 1:23]
Jesus is the only begotten Son of God. [John 3:16]
Jesus lived a sinless life. [2nd Corinthians 5:21]
Jesus' vicarious death on the cross was for the sins of the world. [John 1:29]
Jesus was resurrected on the third day and now sits at the right hand of God making intercession for believers. [1st Peter 2:23; Mark 16:19; Acts 2: 23; Hebrews 1: 3; 1st Timothy 2:5]
Jesus will come again in the future for His church. [1st Thessalonians 4:16-17; Acts 1:11]
Jesus is the only name under Heaven given among men whereby we must be saved. [Acts 4:12]
Come join us in this exciting and dynamic missionary effort for the Lord. Every member is a motorcycle missionary. To assist you are Road Reps, the M. J. M. Board of Directors, an evangelist, and most importantly, the Holy Spirit.
in the Commonwealth of Kentucky
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